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17 April, 2013
by PeterBj
1 Comment

Finding the Route to Competitive Advantage

What is competitiveness greatest enemy? Probably it is an organization that chooses to administrate what is instead of leading toward how it ought to be. The result of such behavior is predictable. You cannot improve your competitiveness by just doing the same things again and again.

Over 40 percent of the companies that were at the top of the Fortune 500 in year 2000 were no longer there in 2010. As well this statistics shows that the top businesses in the world are falling behind at an increasing rate! Why? Could there be any other reason than that they failed to be entrepreneurial and sharp their competitive edge?

The classic quote “everything that can be invented has been invented” is wrong, has always been wrong and will continue to be wrong. The world has never been as it always has been. In fact, you change, technology changes, the competition changes, opportunity changes, and the world changes. Everything changes.

Regarding changes and enterprise software; opportunity has increased in the last few years as wave after wave of disruptive technologies have swept across the IT landscape. Just try to imagine any business process that is not affected by social, mobile and cloud technologies as well as big data analytics and in-memory data processing.

The challenge of becoming more competitive is not about lack of opportunity, but making the right choices about where your industry and business is going. The goal of strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage over rivals. Basically this can happen through a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage.

  • A competitive cost advantage exists when a company is able to deliver the same benefits as competitors but at a lower cost.
  • A competitive differentiation advantage exists when a company is able to deliver benefits that exceed those of competing products.

Competitive advantage is a force that enables your company to deliver superior value for its customers and superior results for yourself.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. And in doing that, why not agree already from the outset that developing competitive advantage is not a straight road with no bumps but a process in which different options are set against one another to achieve a better result.

When engaged leaders and colleges are discussing the company’s competitiveness and how to improve it, it happens that different opinions are expressed. This is not a bad thing. Because, if everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking. By bringing different perspectives into the conversation the frame of reference is broadened and the arguments are tried. A genuine business decision should be based on that different opinions are expressed – at least if it is going to have a chance to be the right choice and be effective.

The answer to the question of which way a company should choose is always a choice between alternatives that are based on different assumptions about the company and the outside world. The answer may pose a risk as it can lead to changes in company business model and behavior. A decision of this nature is too important to be taken with immediate acclamation. It should not be based on divergent opinions being suppressed, but be a fully analyzed and conscious choice between alternatives.

That disagreements become clear is healthy also in the long term. It is a major step towards an efficient management of the company. It enables the organization to collaborate better. Becoming aware of the differences of opinion makes it easier to understand each other’s reasoning, motives and actions. Hidden or only halfway clarified differences in terms of vision, goals, values, methods and processes underlie many of the problems that annoy and threaten to disrupt operations in different ways.

Another strong reason for bringing differences of opinion in daylight lies in that the question of what the company is and how it is portrayed can never have one and only one correct answer for all time. Technology development and the changing needs of customers, partners, employees and competitors constantly offer new business opportunities and challenges.

To continuously and correctly answering the question; how can we become more competitive? is the key to a rich and rewarding future. It is important, because your competitors can hardly be expected to just idle.

Anyone who stops being better stops being good. It is as plain, challenging and scary as if your competitors are thriving and getting better and you are not getting better, you are getting worse!

12 March, 2013
by PeterBj

There is an Elephant in the Office

In the corporate world you may find yourself facing an elephant in the middle of the office. Having an elephant in the office is a metaphor for living with a huge issue. And that’s true whether you’ve seen the elephant or haven’t seen it.

Those who have seen the elephant, sometimes, somehow, manage to avoid it; showing how challenging the prospect of facing the world’s most dangerous mammal can be felt. Avoidance and denial becomes a way to escape from tackling the elephant.

But the elephant is huge. It fills the whole office and it stinks to high heaven. It’ll be difficult, if not impossible, to work effectively as long as it’s in the office.

How do you know there’s an elephant in the office? There are many symptoms of which the following are not uncommon:

  • Leading managers are stuck in the mindset Inside-out rather than Outside-in. Customers and prospects are considered disturbing rather than nourishing.
  • Complacency is everywhere. Improvement initiatives go on the backburner. Many managers acts as if their business processes are already perfected.
  • Targets are set low. There is no effective quality assurance to separate food from filth. Sloppy work is considered good enough.

How do you get the elephant out of the office so you can move on with business? Clearly not by avoiding it, that’s for sure.

The ongoing political dynamics in the workplace makes it easier for employees to voice their opinion. Even so, many people prefer keeping quiet and go with the flow; thinking that is the best way to advance and win the political gaming that takes place at work. For others it’s a survival mechanism.

The dilemma with keeping quiet is that you allow others to define your voice and identity. Passivity contributes to fatten the elephant. What you do becomes a question of who you are or who you want to be? The only thing necessary for the elephant to triumph is that good people with integrity do nothing.

If you accept that an organization is made up of people, then you’ve to accept that people are necessary for getting the right things done. When people with integrity becomes aware of the elephant and its damaging effects on business, their wellbeing and career there are only two options: 1) Change employer or 2) Get rid of the elephant.

If you choose to get rid of the elephant and doing the ethically right thing does however not mean that you can just lead it out. You must prepare for resistance. Integrity in business isn’t for the fainthearted.

Those who placed the elephant in the office and fed it will hardly admit their guilt. To try hiding mistakes is a protective mechanism particularly strong among those who feed elephants.

The elephant supporters first line of defense is probably to ignore you. If that doesn’t work, they’ll will backbite their opponents. So don’t be surprised when they put degrading labels on your person and say things like: “It isn’t like that. He has vivid imagination. He leaves out essential facts. Don’t listen to him”.

Their lack of basis in reality and objectiveness may seem provocative. It’s nevertheless important not to let yourself be dragged down to their level of argumentation.

The key to eliminating the elephant is to accurately assess the situation without prejudice or bias. In its most fundamental sense, doing the right thing is a systematic way of exposing reality and acting on it. Hence, you first have to fully understand what the elephant is about:

  • When analyzing the elephant it’s recommended to involve some colleagues both for verification and support. The guy who says “we can do this” always trumps the one who only sees difficulties. Pick allies that are reliable and action-oriented.

Shining a spotlight to create awareness is a powerful force to move beyond the limitations imposed by working with an elephant in the office. The key of getting rid of the elephant is to describe its essence in writing – that’s the “spotlight.”

You don’t get any points for being too subtle. Going too hard is not either recommended. Your report must shine – which means it should be interesting, understandable, logical and to the point. The more these criteria are met; the better chance to successfully eliminate the elephant.


Where does the elephant come from? It can come from many places, of which one is that a senior manager in the organization have forgotten why the company exists and what must be done to ensure its continued existence.

The business objective of most companies isn’t about internal meetings. An organization built around empty chatter and pushing papers instead of innovating and creating value for customer, employees and shareholders has lost its meaning.

What’s the best way to keep your office clean from elephants, stay competitive and grow? In my next blog post I’ll suggest what you can do within your organization to create and nourish a culture that again and again delivers growth, business results and successful customer outcomes.

22 November, 2012
by PeterBj

Experience is important for the results, but how significant is it?

Newton did not discover gravity simply by sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He had since long time been preparing his mind for exactly this occasion. Everything worth doing, is worth doing poorly until you learn to do it well. When the right things are done well, we produce good results. A prerequisite for producing good results is to have knowledge of the matter in the form of facts, skills, understanding and familiarity.

Talent plays a role, undoubtedly, but it is a supporting role. No amount of native talent can prepare a knowledge worker for the infinite variety of circumstances she will face or the challenges she must surmount. No gene for resilience ensures that jewelry of wisdom will suddenly appear during challenging times. Neither talent nor genes can compensate for lack of experience. As Nietzsche said: “A man has no ears for that to which experience has given him no access.”

At IBM – where I was educated in the beginning of my career – it is believed that developing business knowledge is 10% classroom instruction, 20% on-the-job coaching and networking and 70% experience. How do we learn from experience? As we can easily find examples where two people have the same experience but entirely different takeaways the answer is not straightforward.

Experience by itself guarantees nothing. For example, what is often mistaken for 20 years’ of experience is just 1 year’s experience repeated 20 times. That type of experience should be avoided as it could create such deep brain tracks it may become impossible to free yourself. But usually we learn from our experience. The factor that more than any other will determine how much we learn from study and work can be summarized in one word: motivation.

  • Motivation means that we are focused in the moment and reflect on our experiences which significantly increase our capacity to organize and memorize experience. By then give voice to our experiences and share knowledge with others, we develop our own knowledge. By articulating what we learned, we enhance our knowledge.
  • In the book “Talent is overrated” the reason for good performances is scrutinized and the conclusion is: practice, practice, practice. But not just any exercise. If you want to get really good at something your exercise can not be conducted aimlessly. It must be challenging and take place in a reasoned state of mind.

Where does motivation come from? When Einstein was faced with that question he equated motivation with curiosity and said that it has its own reasOscar Wildeons to exist. I have seen many who passed IBM’s aptitude test for programming with flying colors but never performed well. To do well on tests does not help against indifference or laziness. During the recruitment of people in the beginning of their career, it is an uncertainty that must be accepted, you cannot know about peoples future interests.

The more experience a candidate has, the less reason to evaluate anything other than her actual level of capacity and match it to what it takes to fill the position. The probability that a person who has been a controller the first 20 years of work can become a good leader is microscopic. And there is not a long track record of people leaving professional sports to become a software developer.

There is an absolute logic in that “you must learn to crawl before you can walk.” Denying the facts and take an arrogant attitude to the fruits of experience is not being progressive. Newton’s gravity, Einstein’s theory of relativity… When you look forward by looking back it is clear that professionalism comes from building on what others have learned. Trying to reinvent the wheel is at best pointless.

For all wide-ranging theories of expert cultivation, everyone agrees that anyone who seeks to perform must have firsthand experience, have had their feet wet and their hands dirty from the field where they aspire to deliver results. Also failures are experiences. Of course you can learn from mistakes. Have you never made ​​a mistake; you have probably done too little! As Dr. Travis Bradberry put it, “Success is what happens after you’ve survived your mistakes.”

You can outsmart Jante by creating an internal compass, using certain experiences so that you can avoid unnecessary conflicts. Of course you should care, but not too much. All things are not equally important. Yet, it may still be tough for an experienced person to be eyed at the seams when applying for a new assignment. But that is not the problem. It is the solution for those who are qualified and for those who recruit for achieving good results.

We each view everything through our personal experience. It is this experience, integrated into our consciousness, which determines what we believe an objective event to be. If you see a great improvement capability but your experience is a limiting one, you will most likely see yourself as limited and view change as difficult and scary. If you, instead, are full of successful experiences, you are not only more of an expert but also better prepared to transform opportunity into advantage.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle


8 October, 2012
by PeterBj
1 Comment

What is Businesslike?

Businesslike is about Win Win

Businesslike is a popular term. You may therefore think that its meaning is obvious. Not so. It rather seems that the term has become so overused (at least its Swedish equivalent) that its real meaning has been lost.

The fundamental question in this blog post is how businesslike is to be understood, both as a term and in regards to some specific situations. What is or is not businesslike behavior when running an enterprise and doing business?

From a linguistic viewpoint, businesslike means being capable of trading, which tells it is an activity involving [minimum] two parties with different starting points:

  • From a customer perspective, trading should, within reasonable time return more value than the sum of the invested money and effort.
  • From a supplier perspective, trading should within reasonable time return greater revenue than the accumulated cost.

Return of investment calculations involves evaluating plus and minus of each inherent factor and apply a time perspective. If the calculation shows that the investment is not profitable, it should be put to halt. Making investments that does not provide payback in reasonable time is not businesslike.

Before getting an opportunity to do business must a company’s most basic challenge be conquered, to position itself as a prospective supplier. Being businesslike requires understanding that a supplier’s right to exist is entirely dependent on the ability to attract customers and deliver value for money.

Does the customer always know what provides good value for money? Not very likely. The technological and cultural development constantly creates new opportunities. What was wrong in the past may be right today and vice versa.

Knowledge is a condition in constant redefinition. It is impossible to be businesslike without understanding the business of today. It requires adequate experience and staying current. New profitable solutions results from fresh knowledge of markets, technologies, methods and usage. This is how knowledge transforms into business value.

Behaving in accordance with businesslike is pretty close to common sense, which is not so common after all. Here are five examples of what not to do:

  • Allowing symbolism, rhetoric and personal interests rule instead of business value
  • Initiate one project after another without securing satisfactory accomplishments
  • Doing the same thing – proven not to work – and believe you get a better result
  • Assigning people based on friendship or family ties is simply misguided loyalty
  • Taking on assignments where you lack the skills to make a successful delivery.

Businesslike is incompatible with just milking the cow and giving nothing of value in return. It is therefore not at all arrogant to stand on that basic principle and say no to people who are not meeting the objective of delivering value for money.

The harsh reality is that businesslike starts with proactive preparation regarding your own person. Businesslike does not just “happen.” The choices, after all, are yours. Whether you know it or not, your version of being businesslike is designed by you. Every moment, every situation, provides a new choice and opportunity to improve your value delivery.

It can hardly have passed anyone’s notice that our ability to communicate has become increasingly important. Communication skills is yet not just about being able to tell a true story well, it is at least as much about listening to understand other people:

  • Being a good listener requires empathy far beyond understanding the meaning of each word. The aim is that the person(s) you are interacting with understands that you understand what has been said contextually.
  • Ideally, you should be able to help other people sharpen their ideas and developing them further. This is the key opening the door to establishing a good and rewarding relationship for both parties.

Trust as the basis and better business as a shared goal opens the way for fruitful change. On the road to business value, it is important that ideas and needs are clarified in the the form of professional notes and specifications. Being businesslike means appreciating quality, as that is how you save time and money.

Businesslike is a character-based method for human interaction and collaboration. It involves understanding that you have to help others and that you need others to help you deliver business value. Feet on the ground, honesty and integrity are inseparable parts of being businesslike.

  • Translated into plain English integrity means honor. Honor to respect and appreciate other people’s knowledge, opinions and striving. Honor to keep agreements. Honor to give and receive praise for delivering good results. Give and get understanding for making mistakes that everyone eventually does.
  • It easily becomes a list of the various expressions of ethics, morals, sustainability and solidarity – which is justified, as these properties are important for being persistently businesslike.

Businesslike as a concept and practice advocating that every party is taking responsibility for more than just yourself. The aim is to implement sound businesses where the parties:

  • Avoid zero-sum game where only one part can win.
  • Engage in win-win transactions and projects where both parties get their goals met.

Being businesslike is about taking responsibility for delivering value where everyone wins. Win-win is the foundation and guiding principle of being businesslike.

21 August, 2012
by PeterBj
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Companies Requires being Businesslike

Successful companies require managers that can lead with vision and good example. The ever changing business environment also calls for managers who can lead strategically, tactically and ethically. To do so, managers need to question their assumptions, step away from their comfort zones, gain fresh perspectives and stretch their boundaries to position their company for purposefull change.

You can try to fight the need for change. But you cannot fight it and win. Not even the most superior company is immune to change. No one is. It would therefore be extreme arrogance to be satisfied, sit back and expect competitors doing the same. There cannot be any business growth or sustainable profitability without change for better business performance. This reality puts pressure on every company to become more businesslike in their approach.

That was how far I came in my writings to give advice about today’s business priorities. It was my intention to make it more comprehensive. But instead of heading in that direction I became unsure if the word “businesslike” was right for describing the qualities managers need to keep their company successful. The reason for doubt is that I all too often have seen how the term is used as part of a jargon where its meaning is more or less lost.

My search for another term failed in that I could not find a combination of words that so briefly and clearly conveys what it is about. So I decided two things: 1) continue using businesslike to summarize my message and 2) use my next blog post to provide a more thorough explanation about its meaning. I hope you will find it interesting!

12 June, 2012
by PeterBj
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Making Technology Work for Business

Software developers are at risk of letting technology taking over their lives. You spend hours upon hours, days, weeks, months, even years working to solve a complex technical problem.

Then, when it finally works: Euphoria! You come up for air, look around at the real world for a day or two, and then grab the next technical issue on your to-do list. So you go “heads down” again; to further refine your favorite technical domain. To gain time you borrow code from an open source project. Unfortunately, it was not as well tested as you thought and suddenly you are involved in yet another time-consuming activity.

What’s wrong with this approach? Apart from its possibly negative impact on social life, it risks directing your creative energy away from the real reason we’re using technology. You may be so occupied with the technicalities that you don’t notice if your work will have positive business impact. And if it hasn’t, it’s wasted work.

Wouldn’t it be a lot smarter to figure out what is good for business in advance? It is not enough that sales and business consultants believe they know what your customer wants. As no supply chain is stronger than its weakest link should the knowledge of customer wants be connected and aligned all the way through conceptualization, design, programming, and use.

Every thriving business software provider must choose an area of expertise and have an up-to-date plan where its roadmap is thoroughly explained with the purpose of developing applications that creates successful customer outcomes. That is how you make technology work for business instead of the other way around.

To align an organization for delivering successful customer outcomes we need to establish a set of common principles and priorities. If they are too complicated, they will not work. What customers want – on an overall level – is the starting pont. If these criteria are not satisfactory fulfilled, the measuring of fulfillment levels of underlying criteria become more or less meaningless.

Customers ask for software that is packaged, easy to use, and affordable. Easy to use applications are primarily achieved through a user interface that is intuitive, fast and available everywhere. To achieve that it must possess qualities such as Web, mobility, extensive configuration capabilities, searching, filtering and Excel integration. We must never forget that from the user’s perspective the user interface is the application and therefore a centerpiece of making technology work for business.

29 February, 2012
by PeterBj

Spreadsheets: Foe or friend?

One of the most common tools among people working with supply chain planning is the use of spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel. Oftentimes they find it much easier to work in this familiar format than using what’s offered in the ERP system. That’s not difficult to understand considering the hard to use functions these systems typically offer.

But spreadsheets, just as other general tools, do not provide the out-of-the-box features that many planners desire. Spreadsheets are basically giant powerful calculators. No doubt that can be very useful. Nevertheless, the disadvantages are that they are extremely vulnerable, non-collaborative and restrictive.

Spreadsheets are vulnerable because it’s easy to create errors. 1) Quantitative errors come from mechanical errors such as mistyping a number or pointing to the wrong cell. 2) Logical errors show a higher rate than mechanical error rates. As well are they more difficult to detect and correct. 3) Omission errors, in which something is left out, are most dangerous to detect. Each type of error alone can produce an unacceptable number of incorrectness.

Spreadsheets are non-collaborative because it’s next to impossible to work concurrently. When a particular spreadsheet is modified by multiple persons, it become virtually impossible to know which version has the best “version of the truth.” Trying to identify diversity between different spreadsheets can be extremely challenging. 

Spreadsheets are restrictive because they are not suited for either supply chain control or production planning. Keeping a spreadsheet online goes against its nature. Track and trace is not adequately supported. “What if” comparison of alternative planning scenarios is simply mission impossible. Low cost of ownership does not compensate for these shortcomings. 

Despite of its shortcomings; spreadsheets are here to stay. We just need to be watchful when they are suitable for use as they can be a good friend in some situations. Moreover can a spreadsheet inspired user interface be desirable in many supply chain applications. Yet, this aspect should not be confused with using vulnerable, non-collaborative and restrictive spreadsheets for too many tasks in your supply chain operations.

17 January, 2012
by PeterBj
1 Comment

What’s up for 2012?

Many cultures (Mayan calendar) and prophets (Nostradamus doomsday) have predicted 2012 to be the end of the world. In my view they aren’t talking about the end of the world, but a change in the world as we know it. The world has changed before and we’re still around to remember them and be inspired. There is therefore nothing to fear about change for that’s the very nature of our world.

The safest prediction for 2012 is that the world continues to change. A bolder bet is that 2012 bring paradigmatic opportunities for companies to accelerate their supply chain performance through superior software combinations. And that’s true regardless of we exaggerate what’s to happen in the near future and understate the long term effects.

The advantage of cloud computing, accessibility provided by mobile devices and social media have so far had much greater impact on consumer IT than on enterprise IT. When these advantages combine with service-oriented architecture design, in-memory computing, low cost +100Mbps networks and much richer Web user interfaces (UI) we are at the brink of a great new era for enterprise computing.

I believe 2012 mark the beginning of a great new era for enterprise computing to benefit my favorite business constituents: the supply chain domain and application developers. However, to be really successful two things need to change: 

  1. Application developers just must understand the importance of the UI. The greatest failure potential for developers aiming to provide next era solutions is that they don’t fully understand the importance of the UI. The UI focus has lately become immense. Potential customers expect that the UI is Web-based, elegant, very responsive and flexible. Developing for 2012 and beyond involves the challenge to include great UI skills into the development process from day one. As a result I hope to see how developers are competing to create the best user experience.
  2. Gartner’s predictions for 2012 states that “supply chain executives will emerge as leading contenders for the CEO role at global companies.” Why not CIOs? Although there are great examples of business-oriented CIOs there is room for improvement at many places. For the sake of accelerating supply chain performance new software solutions are necessary. To smoothly achieve this there is a need for IT to support and cooperate with the business side on the basis that a) every software deployment should be about improving the business and b) that old IT preferences must never be a roadblock for realizing a good business case.

On top of these two changes is it of course very important that companies inspire and encourage its people to become ever better change agents. With that purpose, it pays to remember that a cook is not a man who first has a vision of a pie and then tries to make it. He is a man skilled in cookery, and both his projects and his achievements spring from that skill. 

Good luck with 2012!

10 December, 2011
by PeterBj

Perfect IT Is Not Good Enough

In far too many companies IT has assumed user roles that actually belong to the business. Some managers have been uninterested, but more often it happened because line-of-business was not invited. If business process performance shall have a change to improve this must change. Aware business managers know that. They know that if they are not in control of IT – in terms of capability and usability – they are not in control of their own business nor its destiny.

Forward-thinking IT organizations should strive to enable their business customers’ ability to satisfy their needs for new IT solutions without having to stand in long queues waiting for IT department project approval. IT needs to change in favor of:

  • Proactive and business-friendly services; less need for service is better service!
  • Demonstrating that they understand that business performance is infinitely more important than IT compliance.

Perfect IT operations – featuring ideal governance, standardization, processes, resource management, cost transparency and structure – is no longer good enough. Perfect IT for the IT organization is no longer enough to satisfy business’ expectations about time and functionality to ensure competitive advantage. Business managers will only be satisfied when they directly control the IT service delivery and therefore feel accountable for the results.

Customer first approach is a great appeal to associate with IT because it speaks to its purpose. In due course IT should be transformed to operate more like a business where the successful customer outcome is first priority. However, while the progressive IT organization help enabling their customers IT capability they must continue to ensure that the IT operations are done right.

Traditional IT ideals are still valid but so is also agility. To be agile is to have the ability to move quickly, with flexibility, skill and control to satisfy customer needs. IT leaders need to understand that they need to give away authority to help fulfill IT’s purpose! Next, they need to be experts in translating business needs into technology solutions!

8 November, 2011
by PeterBj

The Original ERP Definition and Lessons Learned

Several of the received comments and conversations I have had about my last blog post has been about the original ERP definition. The purpose with this blog post is to cast some more light on this issue.

Enterprise Resource Planning was introduced to the world in a Gartner research note which was released April 12th 1990. It was written by Lee Wylie and named: “ERP: A Vision of Next-Generation MRP II”. The foundational definition consisted of the following six components:

  • Graphical User Interface
  • SQL calls to a relational database
  • 4GL (Fourth Generation Language)
  • Client/server architecture
  • Multiple database support
  • Integrated software and database

Some of these components, such as SQL and RDB, are now industry standards. If you don’t support them, you’re no longer in business. Others, such as “4GL, client/server architecture and integrating logic into the database” are hopelessly out of date. Vendors’ that still have their logic buried in the database are doing what they can to hide this ugly fact. Others, such as Oracle, have renewed their architecture in favor of separation of concern toward enabling greater transparency and flexibility. Fact of the matter is that there are very few new enterprise software entrants during the last 15 years that are not database neutral.

Looking back (to the early 90s), too much of the discussion and decisions focused on the new technologies as such – which included the perceived advantage of the Unix operating system – rather than exploring the business benefits and allowing them to be the driver of progress.

New technology is no doubt the driver of progress in terms of better, faster and cheaper solutions. But adopting technology for its own sake is yet no winning approach. Progress is more safely achieved through fulfilling business needs than just adopting new technology. At the same time is it also important to get the timing right. “Leading edge” must not be “bleeding edge”. Just because all business solutions will eventually be virtual and run in the cloud it may not be smart to be first in line.