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Companies Requires being Businesslike

Successful companies require managers that can lead with vision and good example. The ever changing business environment also calls for managers who can lead strategically, tactically and ethically. To do so, managers need to question their assumptions, step away from their comfort zones, gain fresh perspectives and stretch their boundaries to position their company for purposefull change.

You can try to fight the need for change. But you cannot fight it and win. Not even the most superior company is immune to change. No one is. It would therefore be extreme arrogance to be satisfied, sit back and expect competitors doing the same. There cannot be any business growth or sustainable profitability without change for better business performance. This reality puts pressure on every company to become more businesslike in their approach.

That was how far I came in my writings to give advice about today’s business priorities. It was my intention to make it more comprehensive. But instead of heading in that direction I became unsure if the word “businesslike” was right for describing the qualities managers need to keep their company successful. The reason for doubt is that I all too often have seen how the term is used as part of a jargon where its meaning is more or less lost.

My search for another term failed in that I could not find a combination of words that so briefly and clearly conveys what it is about. So I decided two things: 1) continue using businesslike to summarize my message and 2) use my next blog post to provide a more thorough explanation about its meaning. I hope you will find it interesting!

Author: PeterBj

Proud to be enough experienced to understand that there is more to learn

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